
กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก มีนาคม, 2022

internet of things(IOT)

  What is Internet of Things or IoT?                Internet of Things (IoT) is the way electronic devices can link or send information to each other via the Internet without input this link is so easy that we can command and control various electronic devices. through the Internet network to linking the use of various electronic devices through the Internet network with other applications until becoming a variety of smart devices such as Smart Device, Smart Grid, Smart Home, Smart Network, Smart Intelligent Transportation all that we have heard Unlike in the past, electronic devices were the only medium for transmitting and displaying information. Internet of Things concept               Originally from Kevin Ashton, father of the Internet of Things, in 1999 while doing research at university. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) was invited to give a lecture at Procter & Gamble (P&G). He presented a project called Auto-ID Center, building on RFID technology that was at