internet of things(IOT)


What is Internet of Things or IoT?

            Internet of Things (IoT) is the way electronic devices can link or send information to each other via the Internet without input this link is so easy that we can command and control various electronic devices. through the Internet network to linking the use of various electronic devices through the Internet network with other applications until becoming a variety of smart devices such as Smart Device, Smart Grid, Smart Home, Smart Network, Smart Intelligent Transportation all that we have heard Unlike in the past, electronic devices were the only medium for transmitting and displaying information.

Internet of Things concept

            Originally from Kevin Ashton, father of the Internet of Things, in 1999 while doing research at university. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) was invited to give a lecture at Procter & Gamble (P&G). He presented a project called Auto-ID Center, building on RFID technology that was at the time the world standard for RFID technology. Capturing RFID Sensors that they can make them talk to each other through his Auto-ID system. In a lecture to P&G, Kevin used the term Internet of Things in a slide. In his first lecture, Kevin defined it at the time that any electronic device that could communicate with each other was " An “internet-like” is an electronic device that communicates in the same way as the Internet. 

Applications of IoT (Internet of Things) today 

            Government sector, private sector, manufacturing sector as well as the general public have applied IoT to work and daily life to generate more revenue, opportunity and convenience in industries and projects such as

-Smart Industry to prepare before entering the era of Industry 4.0 industrial revolution

-Smart City to be adapted to the infrastructure and systems of the city in 4 areas: tourism safety environmental and the economy by developing IoT to meet and facilitate each aspect of the city such as
  •  Smart Living, a livable city
  •  Smart Governance, transparent management city
  •  Smart Mobility, a city that can communicate and travel comfortably
  •  Smart People, a city that provides equality in society

-Smart Life to make the style of human life change from the original Humans can talk to things, objects can talk and perceive human behavior. In the future, technology will be developed to allow things to talk to each other without having to go through humans. 

How are the Internet of Things and Big Data related?

            Nowadays, the Internet of Things can meet the needs of our usage more. The reason is because electronic devices are cheaper. Make it more practical, new use cases are discovered in the business. allowing manufacturers to learn and solve problems to increase efficiency to meet the user's desire causing new innovations Moreover, the Internet of Things is systematically linked. We are starting to see businesses turning to the Internet of Things in the sense that it can help solve business, social problems and help solve everyday problems. by bringing data or Big Data into the development to meet the needs of each model .

            Big Data is the enormous amount of data that occurs. no clear structure One of the examples that we can easily see is information from the social era. Created by the user which in addition to the content in the online world There is another type of information. Data from the devices we use or wear, such as heart rate belts during exercise. More importantly, businesses, organizations and brands How can I turn this information into something useful? How can the data be able to tell that This is where we know the real needs of consumers (Consumer Insight) and know what needs to be done to make our business or services more efficient.


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