
กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก พฤษภาคม, 2022

Big Data

  Big Data Get to know Big Data Big Data is the collection of all information that is available within the organization, whether · company information · customer contact information · Business associate’s contact information · consumer characteristics · Daily business transactions · letters, document files, pictures · including other information almost all types of online How does Big Data come about?      Big Data is a new term that was only introduced in the 1990s by John Mashey who made it known. old can’t be processed or can be processed but takes a long time. Big Data has both structured data. semi-structured And without structure, the size of Big Data will always increase in size. Now with thousands of Terabytes of data size, it will be increased to Zettabytes.      Working with Big Data requires modern techniques and technologies that can handle large, complex and diverse data. In 2018, Big Data was redefined as “Big Data is a tool used to manipulate data”. Key Characteristics o