Big Data


Big Data

Get to know Big Data

Big Data is the collection of all information that is available within the organization, whether

· company information

· customer contact information

· Business associate’s contact information

· consumer characteristics

· Daily business transactions

· letters, document files, pictures

· including other information almost all types of online

How does Big Data come about?

    Big Data is a new term that was only introduced in the 1990s by John Mashey who made it known. old can’t be processed or can be processed but takes a long time. Big Data has both structured data. semi-structured And without structure, the size of Big Data will always increase in size. Now with thousands of Terabytes of data size, it will be increased to Zettabytes.

    Working with Big Data requires modern techniques and technologies that can handle large, complex and diverse data. In 2018, Big Data was redefined as “Big Data is a tool used to manipulate data”.

Key Characteristics of Big Data

Big Data must have 4V essential characteristics as follows to be called Big Data.

1. Volume

    That is, the amount of data that can be produced and stored must be large enough. The amount of data is an indication of the quality and efficiency of that internal data. and can be further considered whether those existing data are considered Big Data or not

2. Variety

    is a variety of data types which can increase the efficiency in bringing the data for further analysis Whether it is text data, images, recorded audio data, videos or other types of files from various sources. It can be a part of increasing the efficiency of Big Data.

3. Speed (Velocity)

    is the speed of processing and producing data to keep up with the needs of users. Big Data is data that is acquired in real-time and processed all the time, unlike Small Data that cannot be done.

    Big Data has a higher processing frequency. More data logging and disseminate more data. Big data data with a rapid increase in data rates. whether

    · chat text data

    · audio recording data

    · video shooting information

    · Order rate information

    · various promotional information

4. Data Quality (Veracity)

    is the quality of the data that can be further analyzed It is the unprocessed data in the form of raw data which can be processed further. And the data comes from a variety of sources, such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, which information from these sources is difficult to control the quality and screening of the data. and reliability of information Therefore, these data must be brought into the Data Cleansing process.

    In addition to 4V, which is an important characteristic of this Big Data, there are other characteristics. That can be said to be Big Data as well.

    Scalability is the total size of data that must be able to scale quickly.

    Relational is the relationship of information. Relevant data can be processed better

Big Data workflow

1. Storage (Storage)

    It is the process of collecting all information from various sources. whether it is quality information, including expected information that may be useful; Whether it is text data, document files, image files, video files, audio files that are recorded will be collected here

2. Data Processing (Processing)

    data processing After the data is collected in one place, the data is categorized into groups that are closely related or closely related. yielded the most similar results. and then transformed into a data format to bring these existing data into the processed data system.

3. Data Analysis (Analyst)

    data analysis and presentation After all the data has been grouped and categorized successfully. Subsequently, all correlation patterns will be analyzed. that may not be visible to the eye whether to find marketing trends customer demand potential trends in the future and other useful information and presented in various formats whether it is a picture or a graph.

Benefits of using Big Data

· able to understand customers better By using the database contained in Big Data to study the behavior of consumers to make decisions in choosing products Can you present your existing products to meet the needs of customers? If not, can other types of existing products be substituted?

· Future planning is more efficient. Based on the available data, the results of Big Data analysis can be used to assist in planning and decision making as well. Both in terms of cost reduction, increase productivity by collecting various information. within the organization to be analyzed whether production process raw material usage information Will be able to know that problems within the organization have or do not need to be modified in any part in order to be able to resolve problems quickly to prevent manufacturing errors

· Reduce the budget for future IT investments after applying Big Data in the organization can reduce the cost of using the budget in IT as well. Because the information obtained can be used for other uses. It can also help reduce the cost of hiring many IT staff positions that can use Big Data instead.

Precautions for using Big Data

1. Choose to believe in yourself over the information obtained from Big Data.

    Failures after opting for Big Data, management still chooses to believe in themselves. Although the information that is obtained from Big Data is already rational information.

2. Choose the wrong troubleshooting tool

    After starting to use Big Data in the organization, but with Big Data it may be a new technology in the organization. People in the organization may still choose the old technology that is more familiar. to solve problems that made the use of Big Data technology in the organization unsuccessful

3. Lack of personnel with IT skills

    Because Big Data technology is a modern technology. Therefore, it is necessary to use personnel with a lot of knowledge and expertise in IT. If there is a lack of personnel in this field, it may make it difficult to use Big Data in the organization.

4. There may be problems that Big Data cannot fix.

    The use of Big Data technology in the organization may cause problems and Big Data cannot solve this problem. This may be an internet problem. or lack of personnel with IT knowledge

5. Use of Big Data technology that may conflict with organizational planning

    Implementing Big Data in an organization It cannot be successful without the good support from the organization. or give more importance to other plans

6. Lack of storing enough data

    In many organizations, there may be a lack of additional storage. which many organizations avoid to find information themselves due to the increase of steps in the work This may cause the analyzed data to be inaccurate due to the lack of important information.

REF:Big Data คืออะไร? อธิบายแบบเข้าใจง่าย [ครบถ้วนใน 5 นาที] | Firstcraft (

Big Data คืออะไร สำคัญอย่างไร (

KBank Katalyst | Big Data คืออะไร นำมาใช้ประโยชน์กับอะไรได้บ้าง? (
